Monday, December 15, 2014

2015 Seed Swap Listing

Here are all the Seed Swaps/Seed Exchanges taking place on or around National Seed Swap Day in 2015. (If we have missed your event, please send an email to with the details so we can add you.)

~ Thursday, January 15, 2015, 5-7pm
Community Seed Swap at the Southern SAWG Conference 
Mobile Convention Center, Mobile, AL
This will be a good opportunity to meet seed savers and learn about varieties dear to their hearts. Don’t forget to bring your seeds! Bring photos and samples too if you can. There will be lots of heirloom seeds not commonly available (and hints on how to save them yourself) from these top notch organic growers. This is part of the Southern SAWG Annual Conference.

Saturday, January 24, 10am to 12pm
2nd Indy Seed Swap 
Indianapolis, IN at the Benton House, in historic Irvington.
Title: The 2nd Indy Seed Swap
Bring seeds, stories, and Spring!
Benton House, 312 South Downey Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219
Contact: Peter Kuhns,, 317-332-6668

~ Saturday, January 24, 10:30am-1:30pm
Seed and Scion Swap
Decatur Recreation Center, 231 Sycamore St, Decatur, GA
This event is free and open to all gardeners – whether you are a member of a community garden, or tend vegetables and fruit in your own yard.

Details at:

~ Saturday, January 24, 1:00-3:00pm
Calvert Library Southern Branch Seed Swap
Calvery County, MD
What are we swapping? Unused seeds from purchased packs and seeds you gathered from your own garde. 

~ Saturday January 24, 2-5pm
5th Annual St. Louis Free Seed Swap and Share
Great Rivers Saloon, 7529 Michigan Ave, St. Louis MO 63111
Although winter may have your garden locked up with cold and snow there's no reason to not think about the future as spring will soon be opening up to your gardening adventures. Come on down to the St. Louis seed swap and bring your seeds to share with others. We will have some local experts share advice on seed preservation and germination as well as some free door prizes. There is no cost for this event and likewise seeds are given away for free and never sold. All donated seeds must be labeled with the variety and year harvested and you must declare them to be GMO free. No genetically modified or patented seeds will be allowed at this event. So come on down into a light and free-flowing atmosphere with friends and fellow growers. If you do not have seeds to share you may still come down to partake in this as there will be many seats available to the public .Swapping is not mandatory it is just a term to promote sharing. There will be many free seeds available and we encourage you to come on down and get your germination on!!! Remember that seed saving is your inherent birthright and no one is allowed to take that away from you.
For details go to
or email

~  Saturday, January 24, 10am – 2pm
4th Annual Seed Exchange
Blandy Experimental Farm, Boyce, VA
For more information, please call 540-837-1758 ext 224 or contact Donna Downing at 540-667-3778

~ Sunday, January 25, 1:00-4:00pm
Historic Venersborg Schoolhouse Seed Swap
Battle Ground, WA
Flowers~Vegetables~Herbs~Ornamentals~Edibles. Many are local saved seeds, non-GMO, heirloom and more. Thanks to a few generous people there will be a wide selection with many varieties. Bring your own extras if you have any. Visit with new and experienced gardeners and start dreaming of spring! Here is a partial list: basil, beans, beets, borage, broccoli, calendula, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, dill, fennel, kale, lettuce, marigold, melons, nasturtium, nigella, onion, parsley, peas, peppers, poppies, pumpkins, radish, squash, sunflowers, swiss chard, tomatoes, zinnias and more.
Informal soup/snack potluck and non-perishable food drive to benefit the North County Community Food Bank.
Details at:

~ Sunday, January 25, 11-3pm
7th Annual Santa Barbara Community Seed Swap 
at owntown Santa Barbara Central Library, Faulkner Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
Local groups will table, including the Santa Barbara Seed Saving Guild who will share valuable seed saving techniques and encourage local gardeners to grow out and harvest some of their best seeds for future gardens and seed swaps, making us a truly food secure community.  Seed saving is a fun and easy way to connect to the circle of life.   
Free. A celebration to bring seeds & people together.
For more information, (805) 962-2571,

~ January 30, 11:30-1:30pm
NATIONAL SEED SWAP DAY at the Davis Cemetery Arboretum
Davis Cemetery Arboretum, 820 Pole Line Road, Davis, CA 95618 
Seeds savers, gardeners, and farmers please bring your extra seeds to exchange with your fellow friends and neighbors. Beginner gardeners are also welcome.  We will provide labels, envelopes and a limited amount of seeds of ornamental and vegetable plants. This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow gardeners and add diversity to your garden.
See details at:

~ Friday-Saturday, January 30-31,from 11:00am-8:00pm
Jamestown Market Seed Swap
113 E. Main Street, Jamestown, NC 27282
For details, call: 336-314-0306
~ Saturday, Jan 31, 12:30-4pm
Washington Gardener Seed Exchange - MD/DC
Behnke Nurseries, Beltsville, MD 
Washington Gardener Magazine, the publication for DC- area gardening enthusiasts, is hosting the seventh annual Washington Seed Exchange. This event includes lectures, face-to-face seed swap, and more. You bring your extra seeds to swap with other gardeners. Everyone will leave with a bag full of seeds, new garden friends and expert planting advice. Fee includes lectures, goody bag and seed swap.
Fee: $20/person $15 for Washington Gardener subscribers and Friends of Brookside Gardens.
For more information, contact Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine, 301-588-6894,
Details at:

~ Saturday, January 31, 9:30 am-12:45 pm
8th Annual Seed and Houseplant Swap - Upstate NY 

Rochester Civic Garden Center, Rochester, NY 
Co-sponsored by the Upstate Gardeners’ Journal
Fee: $15 includes both talks, the swaps, and refreshments. You are encouraged to bring seeds and houseplant cuttings to swap, but they are not required, and there will be plenty for everyone to take some home. Join us for a garden fix in the dead of winter, with two fun and informative talks and an opportunity to swap seeds and houseplant cuttings with fellow enthusiasts. Beat the winter blues and get a head start on spring.
Event details:

~ Saturday, January 31, 2015
Quad Cities Food Hub 3rd Annual Seed Swap 
Quad Cities Food Hub, 421 West River Drive, Davenport, Iowa
Details at:

~ Saturday, January 31, 1-4pm
Second Annual National Seed Swap Day - Seattle, WA
Phinney Neighborhood Center, Seattle, WA
The event will be held from 1-4 pm on Saturday, January 31st, 2015. Bring your seeds and your notebooks too, because we will be offering workshops on seed saving and cleaning, and will have a very special guest giving a talk. If you don’t have seeds to share, you are welcome to come to learn and to get a few seeds- just please be mindful of how much you take- we expect a couple hundred people and want everyone to be able to get some seeds. This event will also mark the opening of our fourth seed library branch, right there at the Phinney Tool Lending Library. If you are part of the neighborhood, this is an excited new resource for you. Any questions about the event can be directed to Caitlin at
Details at:

~ Saturday, January 31st 2015, 2pm-4pm
Cleveland Seed Bank’s Annual Seed Swap 
Coffee Proper, 17823 Detroit Ave Lakewood, OH, 44107
Connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about saving seeds and sharing their seed stories. Come and swap heirloom seeds, rhizomes, roots, and tubers with other gardeners across our bioregion. Learn, network and prepare for the gardening season ahead.
New this year: Bring your sourdough starters, cheese and yogurt cultures, kefir grains and kombucha scoby to share. This event is free and open to all gardeners.
Details at:

~ Saturday, January 31, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Seed Swap!
Antelope Park Church of The Brethren, 3645 Sumner St, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
Are you a seed saver, or interested in learning how to save seeds from one season to the next? Join Open Harvest and Community CROPS for a seed swap extravaganza. Bring your stash from last year and containers for seeds that you pick up from others. Don't have a stash? No need to worry, there will be plenty to go around. Stick around for a little education! Community CROPS will provide several seed saving demonstrations at 1:30 and 2:30 PM.

 ~ Saturday, Feb 7, 12:30-4pm
Washington Gardener Seed Exchange - VA/DC - MidAlantic
Green Spring Gardens, Alexandria, VA
Washington Gardener Magazine, the publication for DC- area gardening enthusiasts, is co-hosting the seventh annual Washington Seed Exchange at Green Spring Gardens. This event includes lectures, face-to-face seed swap, and more. You bring your extra seeds to swap with other gardeners. Everyone will leave with a bag full of seeds, new garden friends and expert planting advice. Fee includes lectures, goody bag and seed swap. Register by calling 703-642-5173. Fee: $20/person $15 for Washington Gardener subscribers and Friends of Green Spring.
For more information, contact Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine, 301-588-6894,

~ Saturday, February 7, 11:00am-2:00pm
Faulkner County Seed Swap
Conway, Arkansas 
Faulkner County Library and the Urban Farm Project are hosting. Bring seeds to trade or small envelopes to donate to the seed library or to collect seeds. There will be live music and refreshments. This event is free and open to the public and fun for all ages.
    Faulkner County Library and the Urban Farm Project are screening Seed Swap Documentary on Thursday, February 5 at 7:00pm. This film documents Dr. Brian Campbell’s quest to re-establish community seed swaps in the Ozarks, while saving heirloom seed varieties traditionally grown in the region. Filmmaker Zachariah McCannon will be on hand to introduce the film and answer questions. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, check out the film's website:

~ Saturday, February 7, 1:00pm
Berthoud Community Library, Berthoud, CO
Come swap seeds and donate any extra you have to help start our new seed library.
Details: 970-532-2757 or

~ Saturday, February 7, 10am-1pm
Cincinnati Permaculture Meetup
4911 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH
Blue Ash Library public meeting room
Details at:

~ Sunday Feb 8, 2-3:30pm
SEED SWAP @ Creative 360
1517 Bayliss St, Midland MI 48640
Small House Farm is teaming up with the C360 Community Garden to bring you our first ever Seed Swap event! This event is open to everyone; from the seasoned heirloom seed collector to those just entering the world of gardening. Bring some seeds to swap and small baggies to take home your new seeds. Pre-registration is appreciated.Light refreshments provided. No charge, donations gratefully accepted. Register by contacting the Creative 360 at 837.1885.

~ Saturday, February 14, 9:00am
2015 Kaw Valley Seed Fair - KS
Douglas County Fairgrounds, Lawrence, KS
Seed Exchange. Vendors, food, lectures. More than 1,000 visitors came to the fair during each of the past three years, and we expect a similar turnout this year for this wonderful event. Bring your seeds to exchange, or just pick some up at the fair. The exchange also will include books, videos and other gardening and seed-saving resources. Please bring books, etc., that you'd like to pass on to others. We especially welcome heirloom, open-pollinated seed.

~ Saturday, February 14, 10:00-11:30am
Seed Share: Project Grow
Downtown Home and Garden, 210 South Ashley, Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
Did you save more seeds than you could ever use? Did you perhaps go a bit mad at the end-of-year seed sales? Then the Seed Share is for you! Why not see what you can exchange with other gardeners? Bring any kind of LABELED seeds--flowers, vegetables, herbs, annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees. This event is open to the public--you don't need to be a garden guru or Project Grow member to attend.You don't even need to have seeds -- there are always some left over. Please find street parking to reserve spots in the small DH&G lot for DH&G customers. Call
734-975-6865 for details.

~ Saturday, February 21, 10am
Ogden Seed Exchange 5th annual Seed Swap
 It begins with a mini workshop and informal discussion at 10:00 am.  Seed Swap begins at 11:00Bring your open-pollinated or heirloom seeds to trade. but you do not need to bring seeds to participate. Bring extra envelopes for your trades or purchases. 

~ Saturday, February 21, 10am
Seed Swap
Carbondale Community Farmers Market at the Carbondale High School 1301 Walnut Street,
Carbondale, IL
Bring seeds, take seeds. Plants also welcome. NO GMO.  Everything free. Come even if you have nothing. Bring everything you can share. just like the plants give. Information provided about starting and cultivating seedlings Information provided about saving seed

Sponsored by CC Farmers Market and the Subsistence Research Center

~ Saturday, February 21, 2015
East Snyder Community Garden 3rd annual Seed Exchange
Rudy Gelnett Memorial Library, Selinsgrove, PA  
Seed savers (you know who you are) bring the extra seeds you have saved and bring your know how on how to save seeds. Gardeners who seeds left from your 2014 garden- bring those seeds.  Farmers bring leftovers from your bulk packets of seed. PLEASE label your seeds.  The garden board will provide small envelops for seeds to be shared.  Questions: call 570-374-1525 or email 
East Snyder Community Garden

~ Saturday, February 21, 10am
3rd Annual Southside Organic Gardeners Seed Swap
Beverly Area Planning Association's community room,  11109 S. Longwood,  Chicago,  IL 60643
We have a guest speaker who will talk about his family's super-intensive 1/2 acre vertical farm. We'll be swapping seeds, of course, and fun will be had. Parking is in the lot just to the east of the building.
For more info, contact Abe Lentner:

~ Saturday, February 28, 10:00am
Tucson Backyard Gardening Exchange
7909 E 22nd St, Tucson, Arizona 85710
The Magic Garden Nursery & Landscape, and the Sarah family, are graciously hosting our next exchange.  Bring your spare seeds and seedlings, garden tools, supplies and self. Let's do a meet and greet, even if you have nothing else for the exchange. Please no selling. We leave that up to our hosts. Magic Garden is a great place to shop. :) Parking in Magic Garden's parking lot and next door at the UMC doctors' office both encouraged. We would also like to encourage any pot luck food you care to bring.

~ Saturday, February 28, 10am-2pm
ABC Seed Library Seed Fair
at the Main Library of the ABC Library
501 Copper NW, Albuquerque, NM
Join us for a celebration of seed. We will start off with a closed seed swap for those who bring seeds from 10-11. Join us afterwards for talks by: Brett Bakker (NMDA Organic Program), Emigdio Ballon (Tesuque Pueblo Seed Bank), and Sean Ludden (Bosque Seed Collective). Seedbroadcast will be there as well as plenty of seeds and community partners. This event is free and open to the public. Free parking validation for the first 2 hours is an added bonus.
Contact: Brita Sauer/ Juan Tabo Library/ 505-291-6260,

~ Sunday, March 1 2:00-4:00pm
6th Annual Seed Swap
Swedish Covenant Hospital Atrium5145 N. California, Chicago, IL 60625
Whether you saved seeds from plants grown in your garden, have leftover new or used seed packets, or are looking for seeds, the 6th Annual Seed Swap in the place to be! You never know what you will find – gardeners are generous people, after all. Reconnect with old friends and meet new ones as we all get excited about growing together in 2015!  See:

~ Saturday, March 7, 11 AM to 2 PM
Kent Ohio Food Not Lawns
1st Annual Seed Swap
Kent Free Library, Kent, OH
Upstairs meeting room
A seed swap event allows the trading of both self saved and leftover purchased seeds. Come meet other gardeners in the community and make some new gardening friends. Donated seed will be available for those without seeds to trade. Please bring a potluck dish to share. Kent Ohio Food Not Lawns is dedicated to encouraging individuals to produce food for themselves, their families, and others.  We work together in the community to swap seeds, plants, food, advice, techniques, chores, and stories.  Regular meetings are scheduled, including seed swaps, food swaps, workshops, farm and garden tours, lawn conversions, discussions, and community projects. Visit us at

Our current 2015 total is 29 swaps in 21 states! Keep checking back as we are adding new swaps to this listing all the time!

2025 Seed Swap Listings

  Washington Gardener  Magazine presents the  Washington Gardener  Magazine presents the  19th Annual Washington Gardener Seed Exchanges on ...